Heidy Arce Quesada
Costa Rica
Professional Communications / Communication and Leadership
Heidy teaches the Communication and Leadership and Professional Communications courses. The main objective of these courses is to facilitate the development of communication skills in students so that as agents of change they can influence the environment in which they operate with high-impact, clear and truthful messages. Heidy has a Master’s degree in Social Media and Community Management from TECH Technological University, graduated with a Master’s degree in Public Administration with an emphasis in Parliamentary Management from the University of Costa Rica, as well as a journalist, also graduated from the University of Costa Rica. She was a parliamentary reporter for the newspaper La Prensa Libre, Press Officer of the Presidential House of Costa Rica (1998-2002), co-founder of the company Comunicación Estratégica, independent consultant in the design of internal and external communication strategies and facilitator in courses of continuous training for companies in communication issues.