Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program
Precious Akampurira / Uganda

Class of 2016-2019

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Scholar: Phenny Adhiambo Omondi Scholar: Precious Nemutenzi

Precious is from a rural town in Uganda. She grew up in her father’s ancestral village, where the majority of the community members are farmers. As a young girl she helped her grandmother take care of the garden and cattle. Precious kept up excellent grades in school in spite of having to move many times. She won a competitive scholarship to Heritage International School in the city, where she was exposed to many different cultures and perfected her English language skills.

When Precious came upon EARTH’s website, she was excited to find an institution that combined community development, leadership and environmental management. “When I saw what EARTH offers, I thought wow this is just what I need.” Precious sees herself using her EARTH education to work with rural women. “It will take a long while, but one day I would love to have an institution that focuses on empowering women with knowledge about sustainable agriculture, eco-tourism, business management and marketing so they can create their own jobs and be independent.”